The skin is the largest organ of the body, with a total area of about 20 square feet. You can think of it as a self-contained environmental suit. The epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, provides a waterproof barrier and creates our skin tone. It protects us and functions as our first line of defense against the elements, microbes, toxins, radiation and harmful pollutants. In addition to protection the skin is also tasked with absorption, excretion and secretion. It also helps regulate body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold. Exfoliation helps optimize the skin’s performance and the better the skin functions, the healthier the body is.
Through out time clear, smooth radiant skin has always been valued, it's considered sexy as well as a sign of good health, beauty and a status symbol. • People judge one another by the way they look, the way they dress, talk and especially the way their skin looks. • 9 out of 10 people experience skin problems while 7 out of 10 people worry daily about their skin. • It doesn't matter how old you are, what sex or color you are or if you're rich or poor, skin problems affect us all. • The brain and skin come from the same fetal material. This is why the brain can affect the skin and skin problems can affect the brain. • Skin conditions can create intense feelings of self-consciousness, embarrassment, anxiety and frustration which can lead to psychological as well as social problems that hold us back from living fuller, happier more complete, well-adjusted lives
• rough bumpy skin • itchy skin • acne • bacne • acne red marks • scarring • dry skin • uneven skin tones • ingrown hairs • blackheads • stretch marks • wrinkles • age spots • eczema • psoriasis • beard dandruff • cellulite
• Stress •Diet •Environment and Pollutants •Sun damage •Aging •Pregnancy •Weight issues •Irritating Clothing and Work Gear (chaffing/rubbing) •Makeup •Ineffective Skincare Regiments and/or the inability to reach and care for affected areas •Medical - Psychological and Physical (allergic reactions to clothes fabrics and detergent chemicals.